Saturday, 22 November 2008

Dubstep Producer & DJ Sukh Knight

East London Producer/DJ Sukh Knight is causing a big stir in the dubstep scene. Check his music and videos @

One for the ladies.... Lauren Conrad Clothing Line

General icon for youngs girls, Lauren Conrad releases her fashion line. Some cool garms. Check

Legendary Colourist Leroy Neiman

Leroy Neiman started his career by doing paintings for Playboy Clubs and has since gone on to do amazing colourings of famous people as well as animals. Above is a piece I saw in a Las Vegas art gallery and is one of his latest pieces. Check for more of his work!

Eating in Pitch Black...

Experience how a blind person would eat and use there senses. I went to this restaurant a few days back not knowing what exactly to expect that Id be eating in pitch black and wouldn't know what I was eating. The other main difference with this restaurant is that you are served by blind people. There are set menus including the chefs special, vegetarian, meat and fish. The whole time your in the restaurant you cannot see and its definitely an experience and makes you appreciate the gift of vision! To find out more and book a reservation check

One of my favourite artists - Mustafa Maluka

Hailing from Cape Town and having his work shown in galleries the world over. I was lucky enough to check out his debut solo show in Berlin and it was great to see people travel from all over the world to see his latest work which sold out immediately. With a distinct style and a focus on faces, Mustafa Maluka's work is definitely worth checking out! Hit

Herbal Vodka

If you want to feel less guilty about drinking then this a new brand of vodka that is good for your health!